Another day in KL... Dave and I are now thoroughly addicted to core strength training (boot camp). It's brutal and you'll love it is KDT Academy's slogan. How apt! Dave has lost a couple of inches of his waistline and even Vince noticed this evening (24th Aug 2006). During our stretching exercise, Vince said, "Ah, you can touch your toes now, Dave.!" Hooray! Mission nearly accomplished!
During the advance class of our training session, that stretchy yellow lates thingy of mine snapped into two and poor old me was slapped hard on the back. For a moment, I thought that Vince had slapped me with his best "Buddha's Palm" for not working hard enough! Good old Kate, Vincent's wife, very kindly replaced my torn exercise band with hers.
After training, we nipped over to Lucky Garden with Adrian to enjoy a well-deserved dinner of wantan noodles, char siew, roast chicken, steamed fish and vegetables. Then it was on to the driving range in Extreme Park, Bandar Sunway for a few hours of practice. Allan, Nigel, Will and Ee Siew joined us. It looks like we have a natural golfer in Allan who, in one quick lesson, is sending the balls flying, almost every single shot straight and true. Adrian sighed and said, "It took me 7 years to master what Allan so easily demonstrates after 10 minutes on the range!".
At midnight, we went on to Ming Tien, a hawker centre in Taman Megah, for our customary supper and enjoyed yet another superb evening with our old and new friends. Do we ever sleep or stop eating in Malaysia ???
Photo - From the left are Will, Ee Siew, Caroline aka Aaaarrrnty, Adrian, Allan, Nigel and Dave.